Aqua One Aquis Series II Canister Filter Parts

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The Aqua One Aquis Series 2 Canister Filter is an extremely quiet, energy-efficient, and powerful pressurised filter, featuring easy-to-use technology. Shop for the full range of Aquis Series 2 spare parts at Aquarium Kingdom.


Aqua One Aquis Series II Canister Filters Australia

The Aquis Series II canister filter is an upgrade of the popular Aqua One Aquis canister filters. The Series 2 come with a built-in primer that primes the filter at the push of a button.

The Series 2 filters come with state-of-the-art advanced media made of sintered glass, the expert's media of choice due to its much larger surface area than conventional media. The modular design enables additional filter media to be added so that you can customise your filter to suit your requirements.

Cleaning the filter is easier with the quick release taps and heavy duty filter clips and carry handles.

Aqua One Aquis Series 2 Canister Filter Spare Parts Online

Like all canister filters, parts like the o-ring around the powerhead or quick release inlet/outlet taps need to be replaced over time to prevent the filters from leaking. Using Aqua One AquaLube each filter clean can help lubricate o-rings and keep them from drying out and cracking. This will help prolong the life of the o-rings and the filter.

To keep your Aquis canister filter working efficiently all year round, the filter needs to be cleaned every 1-2 months. When washing the filter media use a bucket of water from the aquarium to rinse the filter media out. Avoid using tap water as this will kill the good bacteria that breaks down the fish waste.

Replace filter media as required when washing your filters. Avoid changing all the filter media at once. Instead, change a filter tray at a time over several months to allow enough good bacteria to keep the water clean. Aquarium Kingdom has the full range of Aqua One Aquis replacement filter media, like the Aqua One BioNood ceramic noodles, sponge pads, and wool pads to keep your tanks clean.

Shop for all your Aqua One Aquis spare parts from Aquarium Kingdom online store, and have them dispatched quickly from our Sydney warehouse.